How can I make changes to my subscription?
Detailed information about subscription changes can be found here. You can change the frequency or the flavors, or even put your account on pause. You can also simply text MYSUBSCRIPTION to 72599.
Can I take these when pregnant or breastfeeding or with special health conditions?
Although our ingredients are all associated with profound health benefits, we suggest consulting with your physician before making any changes to your diet during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
How will it make me feel?
Moment helps you gently reset and clear your mind. It’s a little like the feeling you get after coming back from a brisk walk or taking a few deep breaths. Renewed and ready to take on the world!
Is it safe to have this daily?
Yes - in fact, we recommend building this into your daily routine for best results.
Is it Non-GMO?
All our ingredients are Non-GMO.
Does it contain caffeine?
Nope - no caffeine at all. That means no jitters and no crash.
Can I cancel my subscription?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription or change the frequency of delivery at any time.
Can I order wholesale?
Yes, we offer wholesale at a variety of platforms, including Faire.