alcohol replacement drinks - what are the healthiest alternatives to alcohol?

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Embarking on a health-conscious journey doesn’t mean you need to miss out on the pleasure of a refreshing drink. In fact, today it’s quite the opposite. In this article, we'll explore how you can toast to good times, with health and happiness mixed together in a glass.

Why should you consider alternatives to alcohol?

Choosing to reduce or cut-out alcohol can feel rather daunting. After all, alcohol is often deeply woven into our social fabric, from a celebratory toast to a casual beer with friends. However, the benefits to choosing alcohol alternatives are compelling and worth a closer look. A recent statement from the World Health Organisation (WHO), published in The Lancet Public Health journal, advises that when “it comes to alcohol consumption, there is no safe amount that does not affect health.” Alcohol increases the risk of numerous health conditions, from liver cirrhosis to mental health issues including depression and anxiety. It's also confirmed to have a causal link to various cancers, including esophagus, liver, colorectal, and breast cancers. The bottom line is that alcohol consumption is bad news for both mind and body.

Here, the phrase “knowledge empowers” certainly rings true, empowering us to reset our choices, reframe our perspectives and opt for whats best for us, mind and body. As we’ll discover, choosing to reduce or eliminate alcohol doesn't mean we lose. In fact, we gain so much more.

What are the health benefits of reducing alcohol intake?

Reducing alcohol intake can usher in a cascade of health benefits, often with immediate and noticeable effects.

  • Improved Mental Wellbeing: Alcohol can exacerbate stress, anxiety, and depression, often leading to a vicious cycle of increased alcohol use. Cutting back can lead to significant improvements in mental wellbeing, mood, and overall quality of life.
  • Better Sleep Quality: Despite the common misconception, alcohol doesn't improve sleep – it disturbs it. By reducing alcohol, you’re likely to experience more restful sleep, leading to improved cognitive performance and mood.
  • Weight Management: Alcoholic drinks are often high in calories and can lead to weight gain. Reducing alcohol can help manage weight more effectively and contribute to a healthier metabolism.
  • Healthier Skin: Alcohol dehydrates the body, including the skin, our largest organ. Less alcohol can result in healthier-looking skin.
  • Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases: Long-term reduction of alcohol can decrease the risk of developing various health problems, including liver disease, cardiovascular disease and neurologic complications. 
  • Reduced Risk of Cancer: A reduction in alcohol consumption can reduce the risk of developing multiple types of cancer.
  • Boosted Immunity: Chronic alcohol consumption can weaken the immune system and make us more susceptible to infections. By cutting back on alcohol, we're giving our immunity a helping hand.
  • Longer Life Expectancy: A study published in "The Lancet" shows that moderate to heavy alcohol consumption can reduce life expectancy. Reducing alcohol can increase the chances of living a longer, healthier life.

What are the social advantages of choosing alcohol free options?

While choosing alcohol-free options can do wonders for your physical health, it can also have a positive impact on your social life. 

  • Better Conversations: Without the haze of alcohol, you're likely to have more meaningful, clear, and engaging conversations, creating deeper connections with your companions.
  • No More Hangovers: Waking up feeling refreshed rather than battling a headache and fatigue means you can make the most of your mornings and the day ahead. 
  • Inclusivity: Whether for health, religious, or personal reasons, not everyone drinks alcohol. Opting for alcohol-free choices can make social occasions more inclusive, ensuring everyone feels part of the celebration.
  • Setting a Positive Example: By choosing alcohol-free beverages, you're showing others—especially younger generations—that fun and enjoyment aren't reliant on alcohol.
  • Safe Driving: Without alcohol, you don't have to worry about how you're getting home or whether you're okay to drive. 
  • Cost Effective: Alcohol-free options are often less expensive than their alcoholic counterparts. 

What are the alcohol alternatives available to you?

Let's take a look at the growing number of  alcohol replacement drinks. 

Non-alcoholic beer

  • What is it? Non-alcoholic beer has been on the beverage scene for quite awhile, as a familiar option for those seeking an enjoyable beer-like substitute without the alcohol. Brewed much like its alcoholic counterpart, it follows the stages of mashing, boiling, fermentation, and packaging but includes an extra step that removes most or all of the alcohol content.
  • Pros. One of the main attractions of non-alcoholic beer is its resemblance to traditional beer in both taste and appearance. It also comes in an array of styles including lagers, ales, stouts, and even IPAs.
  • Cons. The taste, while similar, isn't identical to regular beer. The alcohol removal process can impact the flavor, making the beer less robust or somewhat sweeter. Additionally, some non-alcoholic beers might contain higher levels of sugar and preservatives, which can be a drawback for those mindful of their sugar intake and seeking  a more natural option.
  • Who is it best suited to? It's an excellent choice for beer lovers who want to avoid alcohol but still enjoy a brew-like experience.

Alcohol-Free Wines

  • What are they? Alcohol-free wine is produced in much the same way as regular wine, from the cultivation of the vine, to the process of fermentation. It’s after the wine is made that the alcohol is removed, using methods such as vacuum distillation or reverse osmosis.
  • Pros. One of the main advantages of alcohol-free wine is that it allows wine enthusiasts to enjoy the sensory experience of wine tasting— the swirl, the sniff, and the sip! 
  • Cons. While the taste of alcohol-free wine is continuously improving, it may not satisfy the palates of seasoned wine connoisseurs as the removal of alcohol can alter the body and depth of the wine. Furthermore, certain alcohol-free wines may include a significant amount of sugar and preservatives, raising concerns for individuals mindful of their sugar intake and searching for a more natural alternative.
  • Who are they best suited to? The appeal of alcohol-free wine is its ability to mimic the wine experience, allowing you to partake in the ceremony of wine drinking, be it for a simple dinner, party, or formal event.


  • What are they? Mocktails are non-alcoholic beverages that mimic their alcoholic counterparts. They offer the complexity, balance, and visual appeal of traditional cocktails, but without any alcohol content. Expertly crafted from a mix of fresh fruits, herbs, spices, juices, sodas, and other non-alcoholic ingredients, mocktails are a creative, guilt-free indulgence.
  • Pros. They can be as varied, delicious, and visually stunning as regular cocktails. And, many mocktails are made with nutrient-rich ingredients including fresh fruits and herbs, making them a healthy alternative.
  • Cons. While many bars and restaurants have started offering a selection of mocktails, the variety might not be as extensive as their alcoholic offerings. It’s also worth noting that most mocktails can be quite high in sugar.
  • Who are they best suited to? From extravagant parties to quiet nights in, mocktails bring the joy of cocktail culture to everyone. 

Adaptogenic Beverages

  • What are they? Adaptogenic beverages are new to the alcohol-alternative universe, harnessing the power of adaptogens, which are natural substances that support the body in adapting to stress while promoting balance. Various adaptogens are blended with other ingredients to create beverages that are as enjoyable as they are beneficial.  Moment is one example of a range of adaptogenic beverages, focusing on incorporating potent adaptogens like Ashwagandha, L-theanine, and a variety of botanicals.
    • The Power of Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb known for its stress-reducing properties and the potential to boost brain function.
    • Harnessing L-theanine's Benefits: L-theanine, an amino acid found in tea leaves, is celebrated for promoting relaxation without drowsiness.
    • Botanical Bliss for Wellness: The botanical blends incorporated into these beverages are carefully curated for their potential health and wellness benefits.
  • Pros. The benefits of adaptogenic drinks in place of alcohol are truly substantial. Not only do they work to enhance your body's resilience to stress, but they also offer potential cognitive benefits, all without the harmful effects associated with alcohol consumption. What’s more, when combined with flavorful botanicals and fruits like hibiscus, jasmine, orange peel, or blueberry, these adaptogenic blends can create captivating flavors that closely mimic the taste of mocktails. This means you can savor the experience of a mocktail without compromising on your well-being, making it a win-win for both your taste buds and your health. With Moment's selection of adaptogenic drinks boasting no added sugar, caffeine, or artificial flavorings, they are an excellent choice for those seeking a delicious and wholesome alternative.
  • Cons. The timing of the effects can differ from person to person. While some individuals may experience benefits in a matter of days, others may notice the effects gradually over time as their body adapts and finds its balance. Importantly, adaptogenic beverages rarely come with side effects*, making them a safe choice for most people. Regarding taste, the herbal profile of adaptogenic beverages may seem unfamiliar at first, though quickly becomes an enjoyable and playful element of your nourishing journey.
  • Who are they best suited to? Adaptogenic beverages are ideal for those seeking a healthier and  potentially beneficial alternative to alcohol. 

*Adaptogenic beverages have not been tested on breast-feeding and pregnant women. Therefore, in these instances, we strongly advice that you contact your doctor before consuming adaptogenic beverages.

Moment Adaptogenic Beverages


0g added sugar

20g sugar

<15 calories

150 calories

All natural




Mushroom Powders

  • What are they? Mushroom powders are concentrated forms of various fungi known for their health benefits. These powders can be made from a variety of mushroom species, each with its unique profile of nutrients and beneficial compounds. They're used as a supplement and can be added to foods and beverages, including non-alcoholic drinks, to boost nutritional content.
  • Pros. The main advantage of mushroom powders is their potent health benefits. They're rich in antioxidants, can boost immune function, and some varieties like Lion's Mane are even known for their cognitive-enhancing properties. 
  • Cons. They can have a distinct flavor that may not appeal to everyone, and if not well-blended, they can alter the texture of your beverage. The effects of mushroom powders can differ from person to person. Some individuals may experience benefits in just a few days, while others may notice the effects gradually over time as their body gently assimilates the nutritional content. To ensure safely and quality, its essential to source mushroom powders from reputable companies. At Moment, we pride ourselves in our range of healthy and nutritious blends for example our delicious M by Moment blend of adaptogens and functional mushrooms (ashwagandha, L-theanine, chaga, reishi and lion’s mane) which can improve focus, enhance mental clarity and boost your mood.
  • Who are they best suited to? Mushroom powders work well for health-conscious individuals looking for an easy and versatile way to enhance the nutritional profile of their diet. 

Embrace the World of Alcohol Alternatives: Your Moment Awaits.

Stepping into a lifestyle that's less centered around alcohol doesn't mean you're giving up the joy of great flavors, evenings spent socializing, or the relaxing pause that a good drink can provide. In fact, it can be an exciting, rewarding shift that's not just enjoyable, but also health-boosting. With options like non-alcoholic beer, alcohol-free wine, vibrant mocktails, wellness-focused adaptogenic drinks, or nutrient-dense mushroom powders, there's a wide and wonderful world of choices just waiting to be explored. And the best part? This flavorful journey is more accessible and diverse than ever before.

About Moment

Moment is leading the revolution with their adaptogenic beverages, using powerful natural ingredients like Ashwagandha and L-theanine to provide adaptogen drinks and mushroom powders that taste great and promote wellbeing. Their products are a testament to the fact that alcohol-free doesn't mean fun-free or flavor-free.

Start your journey today, and check out the exciting range of adaptogenic drinks and blends from Moment.

Aisha is the founder and CEO of Moment. Despite having grown up in multiple different places, Aisha’s grew up with traditional South Asian values and practices. One of those included understanding natural ingredients so you can proactively consume them to support different aspects of mind-body health. These were wide ranging from Tulsi (Holy Basil) to Turmeric. As part of this, she developed an interest in and has been self-experimenting with other super-foods like Chloprophyll and Chaga to understand their impact. Being an area of interest, Aisha has continued experimenting with local superfoods during her travels and spoken to hundreds of experts on their benefits.

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